Plastic Periodontal Treatment
Periodontal treatment deals with the structures of the soft and hard tissues surrounding the teeth, as well as the diseases of these tissues. Periodontal diseases can be prevented to an extent. Main objective of the treatment is providing the oral hygene and choosing the correct treatment approach with an early diagnosis.
Tthe treatment includes:
- Eliminating the infection.
- Cleaning the microbial dental plaques, calcui and root surfaces that lead to the diseases.
- Replacing the unfunctional fillings, and filling the teeth with decays.
If the disease is untreatable, surgical intervention may be needed. Following the procedures mentioned above, remaining deep sacs, gingival recession, and tooth size alterations may be treated surgically. Surgical procedures are performed under local anesthesia.
It includes interventions to the gingiva due to problems or esthetic concerns. Operation may be necessary for the situations below:
Excessive or insufficient vision of the gingiva in the mouth.
Gingival recession
Coloured gingiva
Gingival diseases
You can get detailed information on periodontal treatments, gingivoplasty operations and the prices of periodontal treatments by contacting Dentadent Bakırköy Oral and Dental Health Hospital.